During a 3-day long retreat, Spaces for Change (S4C), a non-profit Human Rights Organisation was on the receiving end of the value that IRMP Consulting delivered on Monday, April 19, 2021.
In sharing her experience, the Executive Director for S4C, Victoria Ibezim-Ohaeri commended the lead Facilitator, Charles Okeibunor in these words:
"You were amazing, you rejuvenated the entire team, thanks for opening our eyes to new realities and growth opportunities."
The Modules covered were the 7 Pillars of Commitment in the Workplace and 12 keys to a Productive Worklife.
It was a high-value training, filled with engagements, real life practical issues, fun activities and a lifetime learning.
Some of the high points include:
The sense of entitlement compromises the spirit of commitment.
There are only 2 things that define a productive person – Speed and Accuracy.
You need 3 kinds of people to succeed at work – those below you, those at same level and those above you.
With IRMP, value is delivered, always!